Forming Lubricants / Rolling Oils and Rolling Emulsions
Kubitrac 2508 EB
SKU Nr. 10000733 / 9961202
Rolling oil concentrate
Kubitrac 2508 EB is a water-miscible high-performance rolling oil concentrate for high-speed pilger rolling of copper and copper alloy tubes.
Extended tool life
Tube drawing
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Product description
Examples of application
- Pilger rolling of tubes
- Good rinsing and wetting properties
- High dirt carrying capacity , produces clean tube surfaces, avoids deposits on tools and pilger mill
- Excellent lubrication results
- High pilgering speeds and extended tool life
Materials to be processed
Copper, Copper alloys
Typical Characteristics
Color/Appearance of the concentrate
brown fluid
Density at 20 °C
0.950 g/cm³